Assigned Sales Repo Name

On click on this arrow this section should get close.

Project History Log- 

-Installation Stage changed by simran on 22nov 1:00Pm

-Pipe step changes from not yet contacted to set quotes by pet on 22 Nov at 12:00am.

Notes For sales Representetive

Whatever the customer mentions during a call or in an email will be recorded here by the sales representative. Once saved, these notes will not be editable, nor can they be deleted. We require these notes to be stored in a log file. The team can add multiple notes. When a note is entered and saved, it should be timestamped with the exact time, date, and year, along with the name of the logged-in user who saved the note.

Notes For customer care team from Sales Expert

Once saved, these notes will not be editable, nor can they be deleted. We require these notes to be stored in a log file. The team can add multiple notes. When a note is entered and saved, it should be timestamped with the exact time, date, and year, along with the name of the logged-in user who saved the note.

Notes From customer care team

Once saved, these notes will not be editable, nor can they be deleted. We require these notes to be stored in a log file. The team can add multiple notes. When a note is entered and saved, it should be timestamped with the exact time, date, and year, along with the name of the logged-in user who saved the note.

Notes for installer

Once saved, these notes will not be editable, nor can they be deleted. We require these notes to be stored in a log file. The team can add multiple notes. When a note is entered and saved, it should be timestamped with the exact time, date, and year, along with the name of the logged-in user who saved the note.


All call log of this opened lead should get saved here. Call connected/Disconected/Failed to connect . call end time - total call tme.


Whatever email conversation done with sales repo and customer should come here.

Whatever emails sales repo sends to customer should get save here.

If customer replies to mail that sales repo should get notification in notification section that we received mail from customer name. adn that email should get display in email section as listing. same as gmail.


Same for above all sms log should get save - all incoming msg from particular customer should get listed here, No deletion option


This above section is editable to lead management person/admin/director/general manager/sales rmanager but not editable to sales rep, customer care manager, installation team.

If after lead management team – manager assign this to someone else again that all track should get display in log format below this that this lead is reassigned by sales manager name and time of reassignment and this log should be non editable or deletable.

Note- In above dropdown all the lead status which we added in backend should get displayed

In above dropdown If someone selects standby from dropdown then following window should get open with add time and date when you want to call this customer,

If sales rep select status as cancel or won that status should get display as history below it or some where under lead history. This changes which saved in log files should not be deleted by sales repo manager or customer care team. only admin or director can delete that log file.

Note- Whatever Pipleline steps we add in admin section pipleline tag  that should get display here in droppdown format.

Note- We want percentage options like 10%,20%,30% and so on in dropdown. This value we are going to add in admin section nder tag field

Note – Only when the sales representative changes the lead status to ‘Won’ should the ‘Installation Stage’ section be activated. All the installation stages added in the backend should be displayed here. Depending on the selected installation stage, a corresponding dropdown should appear, as outlined in the ‘Installation Stage’ section of the backend. Additionally, a new dropdown for installation status should appear below it, with options related to the current step of the installation. For example, if ‘New Order’ is chosen as the installation stage, then the dropdown should display two values: ‘New Install’ and ‘DP Received’.”