For in detail view please click on link)
Calling option / SMS option/ call history option)
(We want messging app intergartes here - when sales rep login to this app they can chat or send msg from here only to communicate with team,
(Backup of al email under super admin)
In the screenshot above, we show an example of users. We want to add companies in the same way we add users in this page whatever companies we created should get displayed in list format with edit option. when we edit any company following section should get open in which if we want to change anything like mobile number or description we can do that using modification optiion.
Fields We want to display hereĀ –
1)Business Name
$)website link
8)post code
9) about usĀ fireld in which if we want to add text or attch any media we can do that easily.
10)attach logo